I know I can be complex at times, but I'm still trying to pinpoint what makes me walk away from some men so easily. I was introduced to a guy by a family member and at first, there seemed to be potential there. I was excited about getting to know him better over time until he asked me am I his girlfriend after our first date? Needless to say, that discussion turned into an argument and feelings were hurt, but am I that slow in relationships? Immediately, a wall went up and I was ready to be done with something that barely lasted two weeks, but I tried to be mature about it and communicate my feelings clearly. I thought we were on the same page, until a few weeks later, he asked me was I ready to be his girlfriend yet? Maybe I'm old fashioned, but where's the courting? So it seems we're not on the same page, maybe not even in the same book. I've put some distance between us out of frustration and am now thinking of throwing in the towel and walking away! Again....
LOL, I was wondering how that went for men and women 30+. (Being asked out). I have been in a on again, off again, on again, oh we're engaged again, off again relationship for several years. (doesn't it sound exasperating) I am finally done with it and ready to move on with my life. I started dating this really great guy. He was almost too good to be true (or so I thought) but we did not have the chemistry that I needed. I questioned myself, asking what is wrong with me, but there was nothing wrong with me. What women wouldnt want this man. I mean he was intelligent, good job, good credit, good father, and he absolutley adored me from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet. Why was I not feeling this man? I soon realized that there was nothing wrong with me... He simply was not the man for me. Period! I am saying all that to say, don't be so hard on yourself, and don't settle. It's totally not old fashioned to want to be courted. If this person really cares about you then he will be willing to move at your pace.